Robert Bryce

Robert Bryce



Robert Bryce is an American author and journalist based in Austin, Texas.2โ€œAbout Bryce,โ€ Archived October 3, 2010. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL: He has regularly been cited as an โ€œexpertโ€ on energy issues in the media, but has been under increased scrutiny after writing numerous articles in media outlets that did not disclose his ties to the fossil fuel industry.3Farron Cousins. โ€œRobert Bryce โ€“ The Mediaโ€™s Industry-Funded Go-To Guy,โ€ DeSmog, October 12, 2011.

Many of Bryce’s articles have been on the energy business. He spent 12 years writing for The Austin Chronicle. From 2006 to September 2010 he worked as the managing editor of the online publication Energy Tribune.4โ€œAbout Bryce,โ€ Archived October 3, 2010. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

From October 2007 to February 2008 he was a fellow at the Institute for Energy Research (IER).5โ€œBio,โ€ Archived May 26, 2016. Archive URL: In April 2010 he joined the Manhattan Institute as a senior fellow in its Center for Energy Policy and the Environment.6โ€œAbout Bryce,โ€ Archived October 3, 2010. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

The Manhattan Institute is a policy think tank that has received significant funding from both ExxonMobil and Koch Industries. According to media transparency, the Manhattan Institute has been known to โ€œobscureโ€ science supporting man-made climate change.7โ€œWho Is Robert Bryce?โ€ Media Transparency, October 7, 2011. Archived May 26, 2016.

Bryce has been unwilling to answer questions about the funding the Manhattan Institute receives from the fossil fuel industry.8Brendan DeMelle. โ€œAccountability Moment: Manhattan Institute’s Robert Bryce Squirms And Evades Question on Fossil Fuel Funding,โ€ DeSmog, February 9, 2012.

Stance on Climate Change

October 6, 2011

โ€œThe science is not settled, not by a long shot. [โ€ฆ] If serious scientists can question Einsteinโ€™s theory of relativity, then there must be room for debate about the workings and complexities of the Earthโ€™s atmosphere. Furthermore, even if we accept that carbon dioxide is bad, itโ€™s not clear exactly what we should do about it,” Bryce wrote in an opinion article at the Wall Street Journal titled “Five Truths About Climate Change.”9โ€œFive Truths About Climate Change,โ€ The Wall Street Journal, October 6, 2011. Republished by the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. Archived July 6, 2012. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

December 7, 2007

โ€œOn the science of global climate change, I’m an agnostic. I’ve seen Al Gore’s movie, and I’ve read reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I’ve also listened to the ‘skeptics.’ I don’t know who’s right,โ€ Bryce wrote in The Austin Chronicle.10Robert Bryce. โ€œIf More CO2 Is Bad โ€ฆ Then What?โ€ The Austin Chronicle, December 7, 2007. Archived May 26, 2016. Archive URL:

Key Quotes

December 22, 2014

โ€œ[W]e should be cheering the news that coal use is rising. For it means that more people are escaping the darkness and joining the modern world,โ€ Bryce wrote in an article at The Hill titled โ€œCoal use is soaring โ€“ that’s good news.โ€11Robert Bryce. โ€œCoal use is soaring โ€“ that’s good news,โ€ The Hill, December 22, 2014. Archived May 26, 2016. Archive URL:

September 30, 2010

Bryce wrote the following in his “Final Column for Energy Tribune“:

โ€[โ€ฆ] the job [at the Manhattan Institute] gives me a platform where I can focus on the themes that I explored in both Gusher of Lies and Power Hungry: that the myths about โ€œgreenโ€ energy are largely just that, myths; that hydrocarbons are here to stay; and that if we are going to pursue the best โ€œno regretsโ€ policy with regard to energy, then we should be avidly promoting natural gas and nuclear energy.โ€12Robert Bryce. โ€œFarewell: My Final Column for Energy Tribune,โ€ Energy Tribune, September 30, 2010. Archived May 26, 2016. Archive URL:

October 6, 2011

โ€œItโ€™s time to move the debate past the dogmatic view that carbon dioxide is evil and toward a world view that accepts the need for energy that is cheap, abundant and reliable,โ€ Bryce wrote in his Wall Street Journal article, “Five Truths About Climate Change.”13โ€œFive Truths About Climate Change,โ€ The Wall Street Journal, October 6, 2011. Republished by the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. Archived July 6, 2012. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

Keyย Actions

June 9, 2022

Bryce published an op ed in Newsweek that used selective outrage over Chinaโ€™s human rights violations to criticize the Biden administrationโ€™s alleged use of the Defense Production Act to expand solar energy:14In Pandering to the Green Left, Biden Is Underwriting China’s Genocide of Uyghurs,” Newsweek, June 9, 2022. Archived April 6, 2023. Archive URL:

“Let’s be clear about what the Biden administration is claiming here with its new emergency act: The solar sector is so important that it requires us to ignore China’s genocide against the Uyghurs, along with the industry’s near-total reliance on Chinese suppliers for the critical commodities needed to produce solar panels,” he wrote.15In Pandering to the Green Left, Biden Is Underwriting China’s Genocide of Uyghurs,” Newsweek, June 9, 2022. Archived April 6, 2023. Archive URL:

March 2022

Bryce spoke at an event by the Steamboat Institute titled “The Nexus of U.S. Energy Policy, Climate Science, Freedom and Prosperity.”16The Nexus of U.S. Energy Policy, Climate Science, Freedom and Prosperity,” The Steamboat Institute. Archived February 2022. Archive URL:

Featured speakers include Steve Koonin, Bjorn Lomborg, Aurelia Skipwith Giacometto, Jacki Pick Deason, Alex Epstein, Patrick Moore, James Carafano, Robert Bryce, and Andrew Dessler.

Bryce’s documentary Juice is screened as part of the “Energy and Climate Summit.”

September 11, 2019

Writing for The Hill, Bryce declared that replacing gasoline-powered automobiles with electric vehicles (EV) was an impossible task:17Robert Bryce. โ€œElectric vehicles wonโ€™t save us from climate change,โ€ The Hill, September 11, 2019. Archived September 11, 2019. URL:

โ€œthe hard truth is that decarbonizing the transportation sector will be extremely difficult and the process will take decades, not years. Battery-powered vehicles lost the race with oil-fueled ones back when Thomas Edison was still alive.โ€

August 16, 2019

Bryce published an op-ed for RealClear Energy suggesting that the 100% renewable energy goals pursued by various states and municipalities would ultimately be derailed through a combination of environmental concerns and the drawdown of federal subsidies.18Robert Bryce. โ€œBig Windโ€™s Big Headwinds,โ€, August 16, 2019. Archived August 16, 2019. URL:

Citing opposition by environmental groups to large-scale wind power development due to potential threats to wildlife habitats, Bryce implied that the shift to green technologies was a lost cause:19Robert Bryce. โ€œBig Windโ€™s Big Headwinds,โ€, August 16, 2019. Archived August 16, 2019. URL:

โ€œWhile thereโ€™s no doubt that renewable energy is politically popular, thereโ€™s also no doubt that wind energy projects โ€“ both onshore and offshore โ€“ are facing increasing opposition and that, in turn, could cause the all-renewable goals to be missed.โ€

June 25, 2019

Bryce authored a Manhattan Institute report accusing New York governor Andrew Cuomo and the state Department of Environmental Conservation of impeding the construction of new natural gas pipelines, forcing consumers to rely on more expensive heating oil.20Bernadette Hogan. โ€œCuomoโ€™s green policies jacking up energy costs, emissions: report,โ€ New York Post, June 25, 2019. Archived July 25, 2019. URL:

The governor and DEC claimed that the pipelines in question would negatively impact area water quality, while Bryce alleged purely political motives:21Bernadette Hogan. โ€œCuomoโ€™s green policies jacking up energy costs, emissions: report,โ€ New York Post, June 25, 2019. Archived July 25, 2019. URL:

โ€œLiberal Democratic politicians in New York love to talk about climate change and what it will do to minority communities, but these climate politics will be felt by ratepayers.โ€22Bernadette Hogan. โ€œCuomoโ€™s green policies jacking up energy costs, emissions: report,โ€ New York Post, June 25, 2019. Archived July 25, 2019. URL:

June 20, 2019

In a commentary for the New York Post, Bryce criticized the stateโ€™s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act with its requirement to reduce carbon emissions by 85% by 2050.23โ€œU.S. Senate Testimony: Killing Wildlife in the Name of Climate Change,โ€, February 25, 2014. Archived May 26, 2016. Archive URL: 24Robert Bryce. โ€œWhy we canโ€™t possibly switch everyone to electric cars,โ€ New York Post, June 20, 2019. Archived June 25, 2019. URL:

Comparing this goal to the United Kingdomโ€™s mandate that all vehicles be electric by 2050, Bryce suggested that this would lead to greater dependency on China for rare earth minerals, increased electricity costs, and increased emissions from the ramped-up production of electric vehicles.25โ€œU.S. Senate Testimony: Killing Wildlife in the Name of Climate Change,โ€, February 25, 2014. Archived May 26, 2016. Archive URL:

โ€œIn other words, regardless of lawmakersโ€™ good intentions, thereโ€™s still no such thing as a free lunch โ€” in the energy sector or anywhere else,โ€ Bryce concluded.26โ€œU.S. Senate Testimony: Killing Wildlife in the Name of Climate Change,โ€, February 25, 2014. Archived May 26, 2016. Archive URL:

January 9, 2019

Writing for the National Review, Bryce took aim at the โ€œGreen New Dealโ€ being proposed by some members of the 2019 U.S. Congress, and labeled efforts to transition the nationโ€™s power supply to renewables by a date certain as “radical” and the “antithesis of green.”27Robert Bryce. โ€œThe Antithesis of Green,โ€ The National Review, January 9, 2019. Archived January 14, 2019. URL:

Bryce appeared to base his argument on the potential for wind energy alone to replace all existing sources of fossil fuels, ignoring other forms of renewable energy and those yet to be developed and deployed.

Painting a picture of wind turbines covering a landmass twice the size of California, Bryce said:

โ€œโ€ฆthere is one unassailable fact about the Green New Deal: It is not green. Indeed, the entire notion of an all-renewable-energy system is the antithesis of environmental protection and scenic conservation.โ€28Robert Bryce. โ€œThe Antithesis of Green,โ€ The National Review, January 9, 2019. Archived January 14, 2019. URL:

December 14, 2016

Bryce released a publication with the Manhattan Institute titled โ€œIdeas for the New Administration.โ€ According to the abstract, โ€œU.S. energy policy needs a rethink. More specifically, itโ€™s time to emphasize nuclear power and de-emphasize government mandates and high-cost, inefficient subsidies to other energy sources.โ€29โ€œIdeas for the New Administration: Three Energy Initiativesโ€ (PDF), Manhattan Institute, December 2016.

Bryce recommends โ€œthree steps that Congress and the new Trump administration can takeโ€ including expanding nuclear, repealing the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), and repealing the tax credit for electric vehicles.30โ€œIdeas for the New Administration: Three Energy Initiativesโ€ (PDF), Manhattan Institute, December 2016.

The argument Bryce cites for repealing the tax credit for electric vehicles echoes that made by a Koch-funded campaign to combat the EV credit, claiming that it only benefits the rich:31โ€œIdeas for the New Administration: Three Energy Initiativesโ€ (PDF), Manhattan Institute, December 2016.

โ€œDespite the endless hype about electric cars, vehicles that plug into the grid remain a niche product that is sold almost exclusively to the affluent,โ€ Bryce wrote in the report, concluding that โ€œ Lower-income taxpayers should not be subsidizing wealthy motorists who buy EVs.โ€32โ€œIdeas for the New Administration: Three Energy Initiativesโ€ (PDF), Manhattan Institute, December 2016.

May 15, 2016

Robert Bryce published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal titled โ€œAn Ill Wind: Open Season on Bald Eaglesโ€œ criticizing new regulations put in place by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) governing the accidental harming of bald and golden eagles. According to Bryce, the FWS is โ€œtrying to make it easier for the wind industry to killโ€ eagles.33Robert Bryce. โ€œAn Ill Wind: Open Season on Bald Eagles,โ€ Wall Street Journal, May 15, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

On May 6, the blog Daily Kos predicted Bryce’s piece, saying Bryce and the Journal would likely contribute a โ€œfresh round of fossil fuel-penned pieces crying crocodile tears for birdsโ€ shortly after the FWS regulations were announced:34โ€œThe Birds and the โ€˜Bines: Wind Turbine Regulations Revised,โ€ Daily Kos, May 6, 2016. Archived May 26, 2016. Archive URL:

โ€œBryce wrote op-eds attacking wind power in February, October and November 2013, which are all similar to one he wrote in 2009, and just like what he wrote in 2015. Since he already attacked wind power back in February of this year, one might think the WSJ editors wouldnโ€™t want to go back to him for essentially a rerun of the same op-ed. But the WSJ has published over twenty of his pieces since 2009, all of which are either explicitly anti-wind or pro-fossil fuels,โ€ Daily Kos writes.

Media Matters notes that Bryce’s Op-Ed piece is โ€œmisleadingโ€:35Andrew Seifter. โ€œBig Oil Cheerleader Robert Bryce Predictably Misleads On Wind Energy And Eagle Deaths In WSJ,โ€ Media Matters for America, May 16, 2016. Archived May 26, 2016.

โ€œBryce complained that the new rules would allow wind energy producers to kill or injure up to 4,200 eagles per year and hyped data showing that wind turbines were responsible for about 573,000 total bird deaths (not just eagles) in 2012. But as the Daily Kos piece explained, it is misleading to cite these figures without explaining that wind turbines are responsible for only ‘about 3 percent of human-caused eagle deaths’ and that other factors โ€“ including the oil and gas industry and climate change โ€“ are a much greater threat to birds than wind energy.โ€

May 4, 2016

Robert Bryce authored a Manhattan Institute report titled โ€œWhat Happens to an Economy When Forced to Use Renewable Energy?โ€ (PDF).36Robert Bryce, โ€œWhat Happens to an Economy When Forced to Use Renewable Energy?โ€ (PDF), The Manhattan Institute, May 4, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Bonner R. Cohen promoted the new study at the Heartland Institute. He writes that policies to combat climate change in Europe โ€œhave led to soaring electricity costs for residential and commercial customers, leading the authors to recommend the United States reject similar policies.โ€37Bonner R. Cohen. โ€œStudy Shows the High Economic Costs of Renewable Energy,โ€ Heartland Institute, June 14, 2016. Archived June 25, 2016. Archive URL:

โ€œTo avoid the kinds of results seen in Europe, U.S. policymakers at the federal and state levels should be required to do rigorous cost-benefit analyses before imposing renewable-energy mandates,โ€ Robert Bryce said. โ€œU.S. policymakers must also consider the impact higher energy costs will have on overall employment and industrial competitiveness.โ€38Bonner R. Cohen. โ€œStudy Shows the High Economic Costs of Renewable Energy,โ€ Heartland Institute, June 14, 2016. Archived June 25, 2016. Archive URL:

February 7, 2016

Robert Bryce published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal โ€œattacking [Bernie] sanders’ renewable energy plan,โ€ reports Media Matters.39Andrew Seifter. โ€œBernie Sanders’ Wind Energy Plan Falsely Attacked By Big Oil Ally, With Help From The Wall Street Journal,โ€ Media Matters for America, February 8, 2016. Archived May 26, 2016.

In the op-ed, Bryce claimed that Sanders โ€œbetter check with his Vermont constituents about the popularity of wind energy.โ€ He adds, โ€œNowhere is the backlash [against wind energy] stronger than in Mr. Sanders’s state.โ€40โ€œThe Windmills of Bernie’s Mind,โ€ The Wall Street Journal February 8, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

According to Media Matters, Bryce’s statement is not accurate: โ€œ despite the presence of a vocal minority who oppose large-scale wind projects, support for wind energy development is actually very strong in the Green Mountain State.โ€ They cite a 2014 poll by Fairbank, Maslin, Maulin, Metz & Associates for the Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG) that found 71 percent of Vermonters support building wind turbines along the state’s ridgelines, while only 23 percent oppose wind energy development.41Andrew Seifter. โ€œBernie Sanders’ Wind Energy Plan Falsely Attacked By Big Oil Ally, With Help From The Wall Street Journal,โ€ Media Matters for America, February 8, 2016. Archived May 26, 2016.

June 22, 2015

Robert Bryce wrote a column in the National Review titled โ€œThe Poor Need More Energy: What BP Knows and Pope Francis Doesn’t,โ€ where he maintained that the best, low-cost energy source for developing countries is coal.42Robert Bryce. โ€œThe Poor Need More Energy: What BP Knows and Pope Francis Doesn’t,โ€ National Review, June 22, 2015. Archived September 5, 2015. Archive URL:

According to Bryce, โ€œ[Pope Francis’s] new encyclical on climate change, Laudato Siโ€™ (Be praised), shows a shallow understanding of global energy use and, in particular, of how energy consumption is soaring among the people he claims to care most about: the poor.โ€ 

โ€œBut if developing countries are going to prepare for possible changes in the climate, they will have to get richer so they can afford to deal with any calamities that may occur. And how will they get richer? The answer is obvious: by consuming more energy. And for countries throughout the developing world, the lowest-cost energy is still coal,โ€ Bryce writes.

February 25, 2014

Robert Bryce testified before the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works where he contends that โ€œfederally subsidized efforts that are being undertaken to, in theory, address climate change, are damaging Americaโ€™s wildlife.โ€43โ€œU.S. Senate Testimony: Killing Wildlife in the Name of Climate Change,โ€, February 25, 2014. Archived May 26, 2016. Archive URL:

Bryce focused his attacks the wind industry: 

โ€œGiven the studies already done on wind energyโ€™s deleterious impact on wildlife, combined with the ‘energy sprawl’ that will come with the industryโ€™s continuing expansion, it is virtually certain that as the wind sector adds more turbines, more federally protected wildlife โ€“ including more bald eagles, an animal that has been on the Great Seal of the United States since 1782 โ€“ will be killed.[xl] And thanks to the production tax credit, taxpayers will be subsidizing the slaughter.

The question at hand is obvious: why are policymakers implementing an energy policy that is a known killer of wildlife in exchange for what are infinitesimally small reductions in carbon dioxide emissions?โ€44โ€œU.S. Senate Testimony: Killing Wildlife in the Name of Climate Change,โ€, February 25, 2014. Archived May 26, 2016. Archive URL:

October 2011

An October 2011 Petition submitted by the Checks and Balances Project complained about Bryce, pointing to โ€œa disturbing trend of special interests surreptitiously funding โ€œexpertsโ€ to push industry talking points in the nationโ€™s major media outlets.โ€45โ€œLetter To The New York Times,โ€ TrueTies, October 6, 2011. Archived May 26, 2016. Archive URL:

DeSmog reported on this issue here, and here.

According to the letter, โ€œpundits like Mr. Bryce have the right to share their views, but we believe media outlets have the responsibility to inform their readers of opinion writersโ€™ true ties and conflicts of interest.โ€

It appears that an op-ed by Bryce titled โ€œthe Gas is Greenerโ€ which criticizes renewable energy including wind projects and reports to expose hidden costs and โ€œdeep contradictionsโ€ in the โ€œrenewable energy movement.โ€46Robert Bryce. โ€œThe Gas Is Greener,โ€ The New York Times, June 7, 2011. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

Signatories asked the New York Times to set the standard by revealing the ties of these โ€œexpertsโ€ and ensuring readers get the full story.

New York Times editor Arthur S. Brisbane responded, dismissing the petition’s request and saying that โ€œI donโ€™t think Mr. Bryce is masquerading as anything: experts generally have a point of view. And the Manhattan Instituteโ€™s dependence on this category of funding is slight โ€” about 2.5 percent of its budget over the past 10 years. But the issue of authorial transparency is an important one, albeit one that isn’t always simple.โ€47Arthur S. Brisbane. โ€œThe Times Gives Them Space, but Who Pays Them?โ€ The New York Times, October 29, 2011. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

August 11, 2011

According to SourceWatch, Bryce was a featured speaker at the 2011 American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Annual Meeting at a workshop titled โ€œUnconventional Revolution: How Technological Advancements Have Transformed Energy Production in the United States.โ€

The panel advocated the process of fracking for reaching unconventional gas reserves. Bryce has also published articles in favour of fracking and in one example where he presents the often-repeated industry claim that fracking poses โ€œminimal riskโ€ to groundwater.48Robert Bryce. โ€œHow fracking lies triumphed,โ€ New York Daily News, January 22, 2012. Archived May 26, 2016. Archive URL: He stressed that New York โ€œcanโ€™t afford to be left behind in the shale revolution.โ€49Robert Bryce. โ€Phony Franking Fears for NY,โ€ New York Post, December 15, 2011. Archived July 6, 2012. Archive URL:

In a June 13, 2011 piece published in the Wall Street Journal he wrote that the โ€œshale revolution now underway is the best news for North American energy since the discovery of the East Texas Field in 1930.โ€50Robert Bryce. โ€America Needs the Shale Revolution,โ€ Wall Street Journal, June 13, 2012. Archived February 22, 2022. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

May 12, 2010

Bryce wrote an Op-Ed in the New York Times revealing his opposition to the implementation of carbon capture technology. 

He was particularly critical of a senate energy bill introduced by John Kerry and Joseph Lieberman which would include incentives of $2 billion per year for carbon capture and sequestration.

Bryce wrote โ€œThat’s a lot of money for a technology whose adoption faces three potentially insurmountable hurdles: it greatly reduces the output of power plants; pipeline capacity to move the newly captured carbon dioxide is woefully insufficient; and the volume of waste material is staggering. Lawmakers should stop perpetuating the hope that the technology can help make huge cuts in the United Statesโ€™ carbon dioxide emissions.โ€

He also predicted public opposition to carbon dioxide sequestration areas, writing how โ€œfew landowners are eager to have pipelines built across their property. And because of the possibility of deadly leaks, few people will to want to live near a pipeline or an underground storage cavern. This leads to the obvious question: which members of the House and Senate are going to volunteer their states to be dumping grounds for all that carbon dioxide?โ€51Robert Bryce. โ€œA Bad Bet on Carbon,โ€ The New York Times (Opinion), May 12, 2010. Archive URL:

April 8, 2009

Wrote an article titled โ€œLet Exxon Run the Energy Dept.โ€ in The Daily Beast. The article is strongly critical of the Obama Administration which he claims is โ€œworking to marginalize America’s single biggest sector, the sliver of the economy that produces our most essential commodities: gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, coal (which provides about half of the countryโ€™s electricity) and natural gas.โ€

Bryce writes โ€œthe U.S. has never had a secretary of Energy who has actually drilled an oil well, built a nuclear power plant, or dug coal out of the ground. Indeed, actual experience in the energy business appears to be grounds for disqualification. This is stunning.โ€

In conclusion, Bryce suggests that maybe we should include more people representing the energy industry in government: โ€œMaybeโ€”just maybeโ€”those energy companies arenโ€™t so villainous after all. And hereโ€™s another wacky thought: Maybeโ€”just maybeโ€”we should have a few people in government who really understand how the energy business works.โ€52Robert Bryce. โ€œLet Exxon Run the Energy Dept.โ€ The Daily Beast, April 8, 2009.


Social Media


Many of Robert Bryce’s recent articles can be viewed at In 2011, Media Matters noted 39 times that Robert Bryce appeared in the media where sources failed to mention his ties to the oil industry.56โ€œWho Is Robert Bryce?โ€ Media Transparency, October 7, 2011. Archived May 26, 2016.


Media Matters reports that Bloomberg has published several columns by Robert Bryce without disclosing that he is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute’s Center for Energy Policy and the Environment, which has received significant funding from ExxonMobil. Some of Bryce’s cited publications below:57โ€œWhy Has Bloomberg Given Robert Bryce A Platform To Attack Renewables Without Disclosing That Oil Pays His Salary?โ€ Media Matters for America, June 9, 2015. Archived May 26, 2016. Archive URL:

Manhattan Institute

Some sample Manhattan Institute Publications below:

In the past, the Manhattan institute also listed โ€œresearchโ€ by Robert Bryce:58โ€œRobert Bryce,โ€ Manhattan Institute. Archived July 6, 2012. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:


Other Recent Publications

Robert Bryce has contributing hundreds of articles to multiple news sources, often attacking renewable energy sources and environmentalists while encouraging the use of fossil fuels and coal power. View the attached spreadsheet for samples of Robert Bryce’s latest publications (.xlsx).

Other Resources


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